One To One Service

The One To One service provides endpoints which allows a user to retrieve information related to their One To One Cadence.


Get One To One User Progress

GET onetoone/userProgress.json

Returns information about the given user’s progress towards their next reward.

The following authentication methods are allowed for this endpoint:

Query Parameters:
  • merchantId (Integer) – (required) Paytronix-assigned merchant ID to perform the operation in.
  • printedCardNumber (String) – (required) The printed card number associated with the user. If a user has multiple cards, all of them will work, but the primary card is preferable.
"result": "success"
JSON Parameters:
  • result (String) – (required) success
  • visitsToNextReward (BigDecimal) – (required) The number of visits remaining until a user receives their next reward.
  • threshold (BigDecimal) – (required) The number of visits between receiving the last reward and the next reward. Useful for tracking progress. This value will only change when a user receives their next reward.
"result": "failure"
JSON Parameters:
  • result (String) – (required) failure
  • errorCode (String) – (required) The error code of the failure.
  • errorMessage (String) – (required) The (human readable) error message of the failure.

Get One To One User Information

GET onetoone/oneToOneUserInformation.json

Obtains cadence information for a given account. Cadence information includes all of the rungs of a cadence and the number of visits that the cadence resets at.

The following authentication methods are allowed for this endpoint:

Query Parameters:
  • merchantId (Integer) – (required) Paytronix-assigned merchant ID to perform the operation in.
  • printedCardNumber (String) – (required) The printed card number associated with the user. If a user has multiple cards, all of them will work, but the primary card is preferable.
"result": "success"
JSON Parameters:
  • result (String) – (required) success
  • oneToOneCadence (Object) – (required) See OneToOneCadence for format of the objects.
"result": "failure"
JSON Parameters:
  • result (String) – (required) failure
  • errorCode (String) – (required) The error code of the failure.
  • errorMessage (String) – (required) The (human readable) error message of the failure.

Reply Objects

JSON Parameters:
  • resetThreshold (BigDecimal) – (required) The threshold that the cadence resets back to zero at.
  • rungs (List[Object]) – (required) The rungs of this user’s cadence. See OneToOneRungInfo for format of the rung objects.
JSON Parameters:
  • visitThreshold (BigDecimal) – (required) The number of visits required to earn this rungs reward.
  • rewardWalletCode (Integer) – (required) The wallet code of this rungs reward. Used to access more information about the reward wallet.
  • rewardWalletLabel (String) – (required) The wallet label of this rungs reward. Can be used label the reward without accessing more information about the wallet.
  • rewardAmount (BigDecimal) – (required) The amount of the reward given for this rung.

Error Codes

The following are the possible codes and messages that can be returned by the One To One Service.

There are other system-level errors which may be returned which are not documented here.

The caller of the endpoint can use the returned message to display to the end user or, if different wording is desired, can provide their own mapping of code to message.

Code Message
one_to_one_info.server_error Internal Server error
one_to_one_info.card_not_found Could not find the specified card
one_to_one_info.account_not_found Could not find one to one account information for this user
one_to_one_info.no_rungs There are no rungs listed for this account
one_to_one_info.wallet_not_found A wallet for a given rung could not be found, so the given cadence is invalid