Balance Transfer Service

The balance transfer service provides endpoints to request the transfer of wallet balances from one card to another.


Transfer Balances

POST balancetransfer/transferBalances.json

Transfer balances from one specified card (account) to another. Authentication will be performed against the account corresponding to the printedCardNumber.

The following authentication methods are allowed for this endpoint:

JSON Parameters:
  • merchantId (Integer) – (required) Paytronix-assigned merchant identifier (ID) in which to perform the operation.
  • printedCardNumber (String) – (required) Printed card number associated with the account/user requesting the transfer of balances (to this card)
  • fromPrintedCardNumber (String) – (required) Printed card number associated with the account from which to transfer balances
  • mustTransferAllWallets (Boolean) – (optional) Specifies if the transaction should fail if not all wallet balances can be transferred to the receiving card
  • fromRegCode (String) – (optional) Reg code of the printed card number associated with the account from which to transfer balances
"result": "success"
JSON Parameters:
  • result (String) – (required) success
"result": "failure"
JSON Parameters:
  • result (String) – (required) failure
  • errorCode (String) – (required) The error code of the failure.
  • errorMessage (String) – (required) The human readable error message of the failure.

Error Codes

The following are the possible codes and messages that can be returned by the Balance Transfer Service.

There are other system-level errors which may be returned which are not documented here.

The caller of the endpoint can use the returned message to display to the end user or, if different wording is desired, can provide their own mapping of code to message.

Code Message
balancetransfer.error System error
balancetransfer.invalid_from_card ‘From’ card number is invalid
balancetransfer.invalid_to_card ‘To’ card number is invalid
balancetransfer.inactive_from_account ‘From’ account must be active
balancetransfer.inactive_from_card ‘From’ card must be active
balancetransfer.registered_from_card ‘From’ card must not be registered
balancetransfer.inactive_to_account ‘To’ account must be active
balancetransfer.inactive_to_card ‘To’ card must be active
balancetransfer.no_transferable_balances No balances can be transferred between cards
balancetransfer.all_balances_not_transferable Caller requested all balances transfer but not all balances are transferable