OAuth Service

OAuth Service for REST allows for an integrator to authenticate a guest in a merchant program. Once authenticated, that guest may immediately obtain access to a variety of account-specific information via follow-up REST calls such as accountInformation, editUser, or checkinAccount.

When integrating to applications in a B2C environment, this method is preferable for the following reasons:

  • Requiring guest authentication prior to access lessens the ability for fraud, errors, or questionable activity.
  • POST oauth/requestGuestToken.json allows for card login without use of the registration code. This is particularly necessary for card batches that exist in Paytronix with no reg code.
  • Guests may now log in without knowing their full card numbers by instead giving several pieces of their previous registration info. Uniqueness conflicts may also be resolved by challenging the guest for additional information.

Key Terms

Business to Business environment, where the integration to the PXS is originating in a secure and controlled environment, e.g. a merchant web site or in certain cases a store.
Business to Consumer environment, where the integration to the PXS is originating from a relatively uncontrolled or easily compromised environment, such as a mobile application running on a user’s phone, or a 3rd party web site where the functionality is implemented via client-side scripting.
Open authorization standard used for B2C and B2B authentication on the web.
Colloquial term for integration protocol using JSON or XML over HTTPS. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REST for more detail on “true” REST.
Access token
Token passed to resources to convey authorization to access them. Generated by the Paytronix POST oauth/requestGuestToken.json endpoint. The OAuth 2 standard indicates that these tokens should be relatively short-lived, e.g. 30 minutes, for enhanced security.
Refresh token
Token that can be used to obtain a new access token when an existing access token times out.
Authorization Grant
Short lived token (5 minutes) issued by Paytronix on behalf of the user. Is used to obtain an access and refresh token pair, which can be in turn used to perform CRUD operations on behalf of the user.
A combination of keywords denoting the context(s) an access token is able to be used. A token’s scope is granted using information gathered from the requested scope and the maximum allowable OAuth scope configured for the requesting integration. Values are: user_read, user_write, account_read, account_write, register



POST oauth/requestGuestToken.json

Requests an access token for a given user and/or account. This token will then allow the requestor to act on behalf of the guest, such as requesting balance information, editing account information or checking in to a location.

The following authentication methods are allowed for this endpoint:

JSON Parameters:
  • merchantId (Integer) – (required) Paytronix-assigned merchant ID to perform the operation in
  • grant_type (String) – (required) Token grant type, used to determine what guest information is being sent to authenticate - see Guest Identification
  • scope (String) – (required) Space-separated sequence of values representing the requested access scope. Values are: user_read, user_write, account_read, account_write, register


Additional parameters are required based on the grant_type specified. See following sections.

"result": "success"

Indicates that the operation succeeded.

JSON Parameters:
  • result (String) – (required) success
  • type (String) – (required) Either successAccessRefreshTokenResponse or successAccessTokenResponse, noting the type of Reply Object
  • successToken (Object) – (required) See either See SuccessAccessRefreshTokenResponse or SuccessAccessTokenResponse for format of the object.

Guest Identification

When requesting an access token, there are three different methods for authenticating, each of which requires different fields in the call to the requestGuestToken endpoint:

  1. For registered guests, username and password can be sent - see Grant by Username and Password
  2. For registered guests coming from an insecure context, username and password can be sent - see Grant by Authorization Grant
  3. For both registered and unregistered guests, a set of user fields can be sent to uniquely identify the guest - see Grant by User Fields
  4. A new access token can always be generated using the refresh token that came with the last access token - see Grant by Refresh Token

Grant by Username and Password

If the guest is registered and knows their Paytronix username and password, the combination of these two values can be used to generate an access token. This removes the requirement that the client software store the guest’s Paytronix password locally. If the guest changes their password or resets their password, this will invalidate their access token.

When sending a POST oauth/requestGuestToken.json request using this authentication type, the following fields are required:

Grant by username and password
JSON Parameters:
  • grant_type (String) – (required) grant_type must equal password
  • username (String) – (required) Username of the guest on whose behalf the access token is being requested
  • password (String) – (required) Password of the guest on whose behalf the access token is being requested

Example request:

    "authentication": "anonymous",
    "grant_type": "password",
    "merchantId": 10101010,
    "scope": "user_read account_read",
    "username": "test_1010101090000104",
    "password": "test1234"

Example reply:

    "access_token": "CjyxRJwTbA26_gUP__O6jUk1pbErFrxgQ90UYMcL01",
    "expires_in": 1800,
    "refresh_token": "1fVhxclTkc8gE7ycMexxjjAVHOuQACxOL_SbTkYqrK",
    "scope": "user_read account_read",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "username": "test_1010101090000104"

Grant by Authorization Grant

If an authorization grant was generated via the guest logging in to the Paytronix guest website, then this grant can in turn be used to obtain an access and refresh token pair. See Single Sign On for information on generating an authorization grant.

This removes the requirement that the client software either prompt for or store the guest’s Paytronix password, and will continue to allow access even if the guest changes their password.

When sending a POST oauth/requestGuestToken.json request using this authentication type, the following fields are required:

Grant by authorization grant
JSON Parameters:
  • grant_type (String) – (required) grant_type must equal authorization_code
  • code (String) – (required) Authorization grant that has been returned to the integrator via a GET parameter in an HTTP redirect.
  • redirect_uri (String) – (optional) Redirect URI that exactly matches the allow-listed SSO URL in the PXS.
  • scope (String) – Space-separated sequence of values representing the requested access scope. Must be a subset of the scope of the authorization grant. Values are: user_read, user_write, account_read, account_write.

Example request:

    "authentication": "anonymous",
    "grant_type": "authorization_code",
    "merchantId": 10101010,
    "scope": "user_read account_read",
    "code": "APA91bFdV3CWmJpMors50gWwQqtmmwxYKpyy1-zQyeT0bp5nmrN_X4Mwlea..."

Example reply:

    "access_token": "CjyxRJwTbA26_gUP__O6jUk1pbErFrxgQ90UYMcL01",
    "expires_in": 1800,
    "refresh_token": "1fVhxclTkc8gE7ycMexxjjAVHOuQACxOL_SbTkYqrK",
    "scope": "user_read account_read",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "username": "test_1010101090000104"

Grant by Refresh Token

Access tokens expire after a pre-determined amount of time (a number of seconds indicated in the expires_in field in the response message), so you will need to generate a new access token every so often. Tokens will generally need to be refreshed every thirty minutes, but this could vary depending on the integration. The request is authenticated by sending the previous refresh_token string to the PXS, avoiding the need to persist storage of guest passwords or user field data in order to re-authenticate the guest every half hour. If the guest changes their password or resets their password, this will invalidate their refresh token.

When sending a POST oauth/requestGuestToken.json request using this authentication type, the following fields are required:

Grant by refresh token
JSON Parameters:
  • grant_type (String) – (required) grant_type must equal “refresh_token”
  • refresh_token (String) – (required) Refresh token returned by an earlier call to the requestGuestToken endpoint

Example request:

    "authentication": "anonymous",
    "grant_type": "refresh_token",
    "merchantId": 10101010,
    "scope": "user_read account_read",
    "refresh_token": "1fVhxclTkc8gE7ycMexxjjAVHOuQACxOL_SbTkYqrK",

Example reply:

    "access_token": "Y0lb_QgRSq8e6KVvMAzYiJ_AysPE_eXlnMoUdrSYLj",
    "expires_in": 1800,
    "refresh_token": "PJegVMnmGy9XtxZCyBnTpGj3qwP1797pyxrPuVrY19",
    "scope": "user_read account_read",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "username": "test_1010101090000107"

Grant by User Fields

Requests an access token using a cross-section of user information provided by the cardholder to uniquely identify them and verify that identity. This type of token request is the most complicated, but also the most flexible, allowing guests to authenticate with a variety of information that may change from user to user. Merchants can configure which fields are required to authenticate for a given program, and multiple intersections of user data may be usable for a single program, e.g. a single loyalty program could require guests to provide either email address and date of birth OR phone number and last name OR email and phone and first name, etc. In addition, it is important to note that that in all possible configurations at least one of the following fields will always be present and required for User Field-based Authentication to work: email, phone, or mobile phone.

When sending a POST oauth/requestGuestToken.json request using this authentication type, the following fields are required:

Grant by user fields
JSON Parameters:
  • grant_type (String) – (required) grant_type must equal http://paytronix.com/oauth/fieldset
  • fields (List[String]) – (required) See OAuthUserFields below
  • cardTemplateCode (Integer) – (required) Paytronix-assigned card template code representing what program (e.g. gift card, loyalty card, etc.) to search for the guest in

The “fields” field can contain a number of user demographic sub-fields, such as first name, last name, email address, and many more. The user fields sent by the client are then validated against the merchant’s guests’ information, previously entered into the Paytronix system (generally during card registration) in the Paytronix database, in order to identify the guest. In cases where the given information matches no accounts, or cases where the information matches multiple accounts, the server may indicate that additional information is needed to authenticate the guest. While the server is equipped to return detailed information on what set(s) of fields might be used to uniquely identify the guest, in general the client software should be programmed with knowledge of the possible field sets that are applicable.

Due to technical constraints, all possible sets of user fields used to authenticate will always include at least one of the following fields: email, phone, mobilePhone.

All field names and values are expected to be passed as strings.

JSON Parameters:
  • optIn (String) – User’s email opt-in preference
  • salutation (String) – Guest’s salutation. Allowed values are “Mr.”, “Ms.”, “Mrs.”, “Dr.”, and “Rev.”
  • firstName (String) – Guest’s first name. Max 30 characters
  • lastName (String) – Guest’s last name. Max 30 characters
  • companyName (String) – Guest’s company name. Max 50 characters
  • email (String) – Guest’s email address. Max 100 characters
  • address1 (String) – Guest’s address line 1. Max 100 characters
  • address2 (String) – Guest’s address line 2. Max 100 characters
  • city (String) – Guest’s city. Max 50 characters
  • stateProvince (String) – Guest’s state or (Canadian) province, using the state’s two-character abbreviation (e.g. “MA” for Massachusetts)
  • postalCode (String) – Guest’s postal code
  • country (String) – Guest’s country of residence. Allowed values are “US” and “CA”
  • phone (String) – Guest’s phone number. Must be exactly 10 digits without punctuation
  • fax (String) – Guest’s fax number. Must be exactly 10 digits without punctuation
  • mobilePhone (String) – Guest’s mobile phone number. Must be exactly 10 digits without punctuation
  • dateOfBirth (String) – Guest’s date of birth in yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • anniversaryDate (String) – Date of guest’s enrollment in the program in yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • custom1 (String) – Guest’s answer to custom question #1. Max 100 characters. For some programs, additional validation may apply to this field
  • custom2 (String) – Guest’s answer to custom question #2. Max 100 characters. For some programs, additional validation may apply to this field
  • custom3 (String) – Guest’s answer to custom question #3. Max 100 characters. For some programs, additional validation may apply to this field
  • custom4 (String) – Guest’s answer to custom question #4. Max 100 characters. For some programs, additional validation may apply to this field
  • custom5 (String) – Guest’s answer to custom question #5. Max 100 characters. For some programs, additional validation may apply to this field
  • custom6 (String) – Guest’s answer to custom question #6. Max 100 characters. For some programs, additional validation may apply to this field
  • customerNumber (String) – Used by some merchants to record arbitrary customer data
  • username (String) – Guest’s username. Min 6 characters, max 60 characters, not having leading or trailing whitespace
  • password (String) – Guest’s password. Min 6 characters
  • printedCardNumber (String) – Number printed on guest’s card
  • registrationCode (String) – Registration code, generally found printed somewhere on guest’s card
  • externalAccountCode (String) – An external account code (like a Facebook ID). The externalIdentifier field must also be specified with this field.
  • externalIdentifier (String) – An external account type. The externalAccountCode field must also be specified with this field. Contact Paytronix to understand what the possible values are.
  • externalAccessToken (String) – Access token which can be used to validate the externalIdentifier value. The externalAccountCode and externalIdentifier fields must also be specified with this field.
  • externalTokenSecret (String) – The secret that goes with the externalAccessToken which can be used to validate the externalIdentifier value. The externalAccountCode, externalIdentifier, and externalAccessToken fields must also be specified with this field. This field is only required if the externalIdentifier is for Twitter

Example requestGuestToken request which includes all fields:

    "authentication": "anonymous",
    "grant_type": "http://paytronix.com/oauth/fieldset",
    "merchantId": 10101010,
    "scope": "user_read account_read",
    "fields": {
        "optIn": "true",
        "salutation": "Dr.",
        "firstName": "Test",
        "lastName": "User",
        "companyName": "Paytronix Systems, Inc.",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "address1": "307 Waverley Oaks Rd.",
        "address2": "Suite 309",
        "city": "Waltham",
        "stateProvince": "MA",
        "postalCode": "02452",
        "country": "US",
        "phone": "6176493300",
        "fax": "6178120725",
        "mobilePhone": "9995551212",
        "dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01",
        "anniversaryDate": "2005-01-01",
        "custom1": "Blue",
        "custom2": "Coffee",
        "custom3": "Main St.",
        "custom4": "Small",
        "custom5": "Twice a week",
        "custom6": "2000",
        "username": "testuser",
        "password": "test1234",
        "customerNumber": "ABC123456789",
        "printedCardNumber": "123456789",
        "registrationCode": "123456",
        "externalAccountCode": "1234567890123456",
        "externalIdentifier": "xhDE_Ea4QhsfC8h3pUtHJnLZ9lRXYgysJVXnR4XNO0"


POST oauth/requestAuthorizationGrant.json

Requests an authorization grant for a given user and/or account. This grant will then allow the requestor to act on behalf the request of the guest, such as requesting balance information, editing account information or checking in to a location.

The follow authentication methods are allowed for this endpoint:

JSON Parameters:
  • thirdPartyIntegration (String) – (required) client_id for the third party on behalf of which this authorization grant is being generated
  • username (String) – (optional) username for the guest on behalf of whom this authorization grant is being generated
  • printedCardNumber (String) – (optional) printed card number for the business on behalf of whom this authorization grant is being generated.
  • merchantId (Integer) – (required) Paytronix-assigned merchant ID to perform the operation in
  • response_type (String) – (required) Should always be code
  • scope (String) – (required) Space-separated sequence of values representing the requested access scope. Values are: user_read, user_write, account_read, account_write
  • redirectUri (String) – (optional) Redirect URI that exactly matches the allow-listed SSO URL in the PXS.


Either a username or printedCardNumber must be supplied


The scope provided must be a subset of the scope available to the access token being used to authenticate this request

Example request:

    "authentication": "oauth",
    "thirdPartyIntegration": "abc123xyz890",
    "username": "johnDoe",
    "merchantId": 10101010,
    "response_type": "code",
    "scope": "user_read account_read"

Example reply:

    "authorizationGrant": "CjyxRJwTbA26_gUP__O6jUk1pbErFrxgQ90UYMcL01",
    "expires_in": 1800,
    "scope": "user_read account_read",
    "redirect_url": "https://example.com"

Reply Objects

Success Access Refresh Token Response


Includes a token pair and information about the tokens

JSON Parameters:
  • accessToken (String) – (required) A unique Paytronix-generated field to identify the access token associated with a guest which can be used to authenticate further requests
  • tokenType (String) – (required) A field denoting the type of token generated, always “bearer”
  • expiresIn (Int) – (optional) Lifetime of a token (measured in seconds)
  • refreshToken (String) – (required) A token used to generate new access tokens upon their expiration. Refresh tokens may expire/be revoked, so integrations should be designed to handle this.
  • scope (String) – (optional) Denotes for which scope(s) the access token has been granted
  • username (String) – (optional) Identifies the username associated with the generated access token
  • printedCardNumber (String) – (optional) Paytronix specific code to identify the printed card number associated with the generated access token

Success Access Token Response


Includes an access token only and information about the access token


This response will only be returned in a specific flow for inactive cards. Contact a Paytronix representative to learn more about this response.

JSON Parameters:
  • accessToken (String) – (required) A unique Paytronix-generated field to identify the access token associated with a guest which can be used to authenticate further requests
  • tokenType (String) – (required) A field denoting the type of token generated, always “bearer”
  • expiresIn (Int) – (optional) Lifetime of a token (measured in seconds)
  • scope (String) – (optional) Denotes for which scope(s) the access token has been granted
  • username (String) – (optional) Identifies the username associated with the generated access token
  • printedCardNumber (String) – (optional) Paytronix specific code to identify the printed card number associated with the generated access token

Authorization Grant Success


Includes an authorization grant and information about the grant

JSON Parameters:
  • authorizationGrant (String) – (required) A unique Paytronix-generated field to identify the authorization grant associated with a guest which can be used to authenticate further requests
  • expiresIn (Int) – (optional) Lifetime of a token (measured in seconds)
  • scope (String) – (optional) Denotes for which scope(s) the access token has been granted
  • redirectURL (String) – (optional) URL the user will be redirected to after logging in via the grant

Authorization Grant Failure

JSON Parameters:
  • errorCode (String) – (required) A Paytronix specific code to identify the type of error being sent
  • errorMessage (String) – (required) A human readable message to explain to caller why request failed

Example use of access token to authenticate with other services


Every REST call to the Paytronix API requires two parameters: client_id and client_secret. Because these parameters represent an integrator’s credentials they must be transmitted securely. As a result, the Paytronix API will not accept calls that make these credentials parameters in GET or DELETE methods. Although they may be included in the JSON body of a POST request, Paytronix recommends that you include these credentials in all of your requests using the Basic access authentication method. This should be a base64 encoded string of client_id and client_secret separated by a colon. (e.g. client_id:client_secret). See the linked wikipedia article for specific details. In our API and documentation, the client_id is sometimes referred to as the Integration Identifier.

EnrollmentService - editUser endpoint

Once an access token is granted, a REST call may be made using the value of the received access_token in the message. Access tokens may be used in both POST and GET requests. If the access token is expired or does not match the user, the response will indicate that authentication has failed.

Example POST request to https://m123.api.pxslab.com/rest/24.11/enrollment/editUser.json:

    "authentication": "oauth",
    "access_token": "CjyxRJwTbA26_gUP__O6jUk1pbErFrxgQ90UYMcL01",
    "merchantId": 123,
    "username": "test_1010101090000104",
    "enforceUniqueFields": [],
    "setUserFields": {
        "style": "typed",
        "firstName": ["editedFirstName"],
        "lastName": ["editedLastName"],
        "username": ["editedUsername"]

GuestService - userInformation endpoint

Example GET request to GET guest/userInformation.json:

access_token=CjyxRJwTbA26_gUP__O6jUk1pbErFrxgQ90UYMcL01& username=editedUsername& authentication=oauth&merchantId=10101010

Expired access tokens

When an access token has expired, requests using authentication of oauth will be denied with a 401 HTTP status code and an error field value of invalid_token. The WWW-Authenticate header in the response should be examined in order to gain additional information. When a token is expired, header should look like this:

WWW-Authenticate Bearer realm=”Paytronix REST”, error=”invalid_token”, error_description=”Token expired”, expired=”true”

When this occurs, the client should immediately call requestGuestToken using the most recent refresh_token value. If this call also results in an error, the client should not automatically send any additional requests to any Paytronix endpoints.


Insufficient information to authenticate

When not enough information is provided, or no matching users, the server returns an “error” field with a value of insufficient_information_to_authenticate. As noted above, the server will also return a tryMethods field containing a list of possible sets of fields to try, however it is not likely that most integrations will be required to parse this field’s value. Rather, integrators should communicate with Paytronix to determine the appropriate fields to query the guest for.


If one of the required fields returned is externalAccount, then that actually means the pair of fields externalAccountCode and externalIdentifier. There is no field called externalAccount.


    "error": "insufficient_information_to_authenticate",
    "tryMethods": [
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "optionalFields": [],
            "requiredFields": [
            "type": "registeredUser"
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "optionalFields": [],
            "requiredFields": [
            "type": "custom"
            "confirmationRequired": false,
            "optionalFields": [],
            "requiredFields": [
            "type": "custom"

Error Codes

The following are the possible codes and messages that can be returned by the Oauth Service.

There are other system-level errors which may be returned which may not be documented here.

The caller of the endpoint can use the returned error message value to display to the end user or, if different wording is desired, can provide their own mapping of code to message.

Code Message
authorization.invalid_token authorization.invalid_token
authentication.invalid_grant token expired
authentication.invalid_grant token invalid
authentication.invalid_scope new scope exceeds original grant
authentication.invalid_client client invalid
authentication.too_many_matching_guests too_many_matching_guests
authentication.inactive_card_could_be_registered inactive_card_could_be_registered
authentication.reg_code_needed registration code missing
auth_grant.card_not_found The supplied printedCardNumber was not found. Please try again.
auth_grant.both_user_and_pcn_supplied Both username and printedCardNumber were received. Please supply only one.
auth_grant.no_identifier_supplied Neither username or printedCardNumber were received. Please supply an identifier.