============== Tips and Hints ============== .. raw:: html


This page contains helpful tips and hints for developing and managing your integration. .. raw:: html


#. Avoid sending duplicate calls Sending unnecessary, duplicate calls is the number one reason integrators fail certification rounds. We recommend that you review all calls and eliminate any extraneous ones prior to turning the integration over for certification. #. You must obtain an Oauth token for any guest-facing integration If your integration is guest-facing (for example, a website or mobile app), then you should use Oauth authentication in all calls that allow that authentication type. Read more details on Oauth authentication here: `API Authentication Styles <.././pxs_api_reference/authentication_types.html>`_ #. Pay attention to Oauth token expirations Oauth tokens are valid for 30 minutes. Make sure to add handling for invalid tokens, and obtain a new Oauth token using the refresh token. Learn more about Oauth refresh tokens here: `Guest Website Login <.././guest_website/login.html>`_ #. Always Display the Error Message If a call to Paytronix generates an error, we recommend that integrators display the error code and error message returned by the system to inform the guest of the problem. #. Log Calls to Paytronix Log the request body and server response for all calls to Paytronix. This will simplify troubleshooting if you run into difficulties. #. Implement Double Click Prevention Double click prevention lessens the transaction load sent to our server and prevents any unintended changes to guest data (for example, creating multiple accounts or giving multiple rewards). #. Follow the Recommended Flow We provide recommended or required flows for most functionality, including a point of sale system or mobile app. Please reach out to the Integrations team to learn more about recommended and/or required flows. #. Use the Loadmap If you are using the transaction service, make sure to utilize the loadmap. This will make the integration more flexible and responsive to changes in the Paytronix system. For the integration to be considered re-useable, this is required. .. raw:: html

Project Management

#. Get Connected Early Making your first successful call to our system is a big milestone. The console provided on this website will help you complete it successfully. We encourage you to start using the console as soon as possible. Please see our `API Primer <.././paytronix_api_primer/index.html>`_ to get connected. #. Keep all Parties in the Loop Integration projects usually involve at least three companies, so it is necessary to keep all partners on the same page. Status updates should be emailed frequently between all partners (Paytronix included). #. Notify Paytronix when Key Deliverable Dates Change If you deliver your integration later than expected, your certification date will not be reserved. The earlier you communicate a delivery date change, the easier it will be for us to re-schedule your certification. #. Ask for Help Are you stuck on a particular flow or call? Please out to Paytronix as soon as possible so that we can help you keep your project on schedule. #. Always Copy integrations@paytronix.com To ensure that your questions are answered in a timely fashion, always copy our support address: integrations@paytronix.com #. Thoroughly Test the Integration Before Handing it Over to the Merchant It is important for integrators to verify that all use cases are handled correctly before handing the integration over to the merchant. Then, the merchant will QA and approve the integration before Paytronix performs certification. Please see the Development section above for some common mistakes #. Test All Flows Before Submitting the Integration for Certification It is important for you (the merchant) to sign off on all flows and messaging that could be presented to the guest. Paytronix certification is conducted to ensure the data integrity, rather than branding or text.